Interview With Sean Michael Hayes – Author of Five Weeks In The Amazon (A backpacker’s journey: life in the rainforest, Ayahuasca, and a Peruvian shaman’s ancient diet)

Five Weeks in the Amazon - Paperback

Sean Michael Hayes was born and raised in Vancouver, Canada. In his younger years he was a professional skateboarder.  Sean as achieved wild success on the skate board, one only needs  to Youtube Sean to know that he is the real deal.   Today while he continues his career as a professional skateboard coach, Sean has now begun to share his gifts as a writer.

Our 31 year friend from The Great White North is a philosopher, writer and adventure seeker.  Sean has the uncanny ability to take you on location, and fully shares his experiences with YOU the reader.

You can buy Sean’s book on,  Please also support Sean on Kickstarter.

Edited and Produced by Alex Miller

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Author: Eric Ten Broeck

Eric has his MBA in taxation and a post master's certificate in finance. He has created businesses in the accounting services space. Eric has helped many businesses get established and prosper.